Justin Flood (That's me!)
Flood on Stuff is the thoughts and musings of Justin Flood, a Long Island, New York professional photographer and artist.
This site was designed for a sole purpose. To have a place beyond social media to share my long-form thoughts as well as my favorite links and videos. It adheres strictly to the old-school definition of a "blog". There are no magazine layouts here, no sticky-posts, no featured posts. Simply a strict progression of stories, newest at the top. I've found that most of those alternate layouts are there for one purpose, to generate clicks and revenue. My goal is simpler, and hopefully over the long run will be more successful. Generate interesting content.
The site is designed strictly for modern web browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, other WebKit-based browsers, etc.) It features a responsive layout that should look good on almost any device from a smartphone, to a tablet, to a 27" 5K Display. The site is run and maintained on the Squarespace platform. If you have any issues viewing this site on a browser that ISN'T Internet Explorer, please let me know. I will get in touch with Squarespace engineers on the problem. They are usually very interested in keeping their platform up-to-date and accessible. If by any chance you ARE using Internet Explorer, I guarantee nothing because your browser is horrendous. Get a new one.
This site currently features Google AdSense ads, as well as Google Analytics, and Squarespace Metrics. For more information about what information this site collects from you on this site, please visit Google's Privacy Policy, as well as our own Privacy Policy.
As this is ostensibly a personal project, I provide no support for this site. Nor am I compelled to respond to any feedback about my content. If you notice, there is no commenting system on my site. This is by design. Commenting systems on blogs have become horrendous cesspools of late, and I want no part of it. If by some reason you want to get in touch with me, please feel free to message me on twitter @justinflood.