FCC Changes the definition of broadband
/It seems the FCC is on a bit of a roll lately! Today they have reclassified the definition of "Broadband" internet access to service that is 25mbps or faster downstream. A significant raise from the previous definition of broadband at 4mbps. This will force a lot of service providers to increase their minimum speeds in order to continue referring to themselves as broadband providers. From the FCC:
“We are never satisfied with the status quo. We want better. We continue to push the limit, and that is notable when it comes to technology,” FCC Commissioner Mignon Clyburn said. “As consumers adopt and demand more from their platforms and devices, the need for broadband will increase, requiring robust networks to be in place in order to keep up. What is crystal clear to me is that the broadband speeds of yesteryear are woefully inadequate today and beyond.
FCC Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel wants to increase the minimum broadband standards far past the new 25Mbps download threshold, up to 100Mbps. “We invented the internet. We can do audacious things if we set big goals, and I think our new threshold, frankly, should be 100Mbps. I think anything short of that shortchanges our children, our future, and our new digital economy, Commissioner Rosenworcel said.”
That is a seriously impressive take from an agency that has been charitably called "innovation-averse" in the past. My question now is how strict are they going to be with ISPs that ADVERTISE speeds of 25mbps and then refuse to / are unable to deliver speeds like that.
I'm still holding out for Google Fiber to show up where I live eventually.